In 1982 the Foundation assumed responsibility for funding the Selby Fellowship, which is administered by the Australian Academy of Science. These Fellowships, established in 1959 by H B Selby Australia Ltd were awarded to young overseas graduates of high promise and proven capacity for research, bringing them to Australia to undertake a year’s work in a laboratory of a university or other research institution. Seven such Fellowships were granted.
From 1987 the award conditions were altered to provide senior short-term Fellowships to enable distinguished overseas scientists to undertake public lecture / seminar tours and to visit scientific centres in Australia. Commencing with a visit by Australian born Nobel Laureate Sir John Cornforth, more than thirty such awards have been made.
In 2009 an additional Special Fellowship was created to mark the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Award. Professor Peter Gregory, Chief Executive of the Scottish Crop Research Institute, was the recipient.